We The People Project

Making the Film

See how Jock McDonald conceived and created this amazing project.

When we see each other in ourselves we evolve.
— Jock McDonald

Humans inhabiting this planet with so many others often forget all the things we have in common and share with each other. We share the air, water, the land, the need and pleasure of sharing food together, laughter, emotions, love, children, shelter, beauty, work, community. The list of shared experiences is long compared to the differences that separate us. Our difference of skin color, language, money, geography, religion, and gender, creates separation. These are magnified with our tribal “us and them” mentality, and keeps us in our animal mind. The small divides us and our commonality unifies us.

The WE THE PEOPLE PROJECT sets out to reveal our connectedness, our similarity, how little we differ even as we look at age, race, and gender. I have spent 25 years photographing people from all over the world in pursuit of revealing this idea. When we see each other in ourselves we evolve. I have struggled with how to exemplify our closeness to each other and our shared humanity. The WE THE PEOPLE PROJECT illuminates our commonality and our community on this magnificent, round, spinning blue globe.

Fine art photographer, Jock McDonald, creates commissioned work for interior design firms and individuals, as well as unique noncommissioned pieces. His work has been widely published and exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the world. His commercial clients include: Gap, Levi’s, Target, Apple, IBM, Vogue, Proctor & Gamble and Muzak, as well as national and international publications. Born in Vancouver, Canada and based in the San Francisco Bay Area, McDonald is a self-taught photographer whose work has achieved acclaim for its distinctive understanding of humanity, our shared commonalities, and its qualities of connectivity and empathy.